The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with conducting business transactions through electronic means
Introduction- The Scope of Electronic Commerce, Definition of Electronic Commerce, Electronic Commerce and the Trade Cycle, Electronic Markets, Internet Commerce, Advantages and limitation of e-commerce.
Business Strategy in an Electronic Age: Supply Chains, Porter’s Value Chain Model, Inter Organizational Value Chains, Competitive Strategy, Porter’s Model, First Mover Advantage, Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Competitive Advantage using E-Commerce, Business Strategy, Introduction to Business Strategy, Strategic Implications of IT Technology, Business Environment, Business Capability, Existing Business Strategy, Strategy Formulation & Implementation Planning, E-Commerce Implementation.
The Internet, World Wide Web and security: introduction to internet, evolution of internet, The world wide web, ISP, meaning of network, transfer of information, The client server network security, Network layer devices, data and message security
Mechanism of making payment through internet: Online Payment Mechanism, Electronic Payment Systems, Payment Gateways, Plastic Good, Debit Card, Credit Card
Web site design and development: web site features and advantages, application of life cycle for design and development of web site, web site creation /development, web site navigation design, Introduction to HTML, criteria of Web-design, web site anatomy, web site evaluation criteria, management of web site contents and traffic. .
Business models for E-Commerce: B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B, Characteristics of B2B EC, Models of B2B EC, Procurement Management Using the Buyer’s Internal Marketplace, Supplier-Oriented Marketplace, Intermediary-Oriented Marketplace, Just-in-Time Delivery Auctions and Services from Traditional to Internet-Based EDI, Integration with Back-end Information Systems, The Role of Software Agents for B2B EC, Electronic Marketing in B2B, Solutions of B2B EC, Managerial Issues.
Security in E-Commerce: Digital Signatures, Network Security, Data, Encryption-Secret keys and public keys.
1. David Whiteley, “E-Commerce”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2000
2. T.N. Chhabra, R.K.Suri “E-Commerce new vistas for business” Dhanpat Rai & Co.
3. E-Commerce: C. V.S Murthy (Himalaya Publishing House)
1. E-BusinessR (Evolution)-Daniel Amor(Pearson Edude)
2. Diwan Parag and Sunil Sharma: Electronic Commerce –A Manager’s Guide to E-Business,Vanity Books International,New Delhi.
3. Electronic Commerce- Greenglein and Feinman( Tata Mc Graw Hill)