Understand the role of various quantitative approaches and theories of Operation Research in business decision making
Quantitative Techniques: An Introduction, Statistical and Operations Research techniques, Scope and application of Quantitative Techniques, Scientific approach in decision-making, Limitation of these techniques.
Linear Programming: Mathematical formulation of problem.Graphical and Simplex Solutions of LPP. Primal and its Dual.
Game Theory – Meaning, Two Person zero sum game , Mix strategies.
Queuing Theory – meaning , concepts and problems related with Queuing Theory.
.Transportation: Solving the problem. Testing the optimality MODI method.
Cases of unbalanced problems, Degeneracy, Maximization objective, Multiple
solutions and Prohibited Routes
Assignment: Solving the problem. Cases of unbalanced problems, multiple
optimum solutions, maximization objective and unacceptable assignments
Decision Theory: Maximin, Minimax, and Maximax expected pay off and regret, Expected value of Perfect Information, Decision Tree Analysis.
1. Kapoor, V. K., Operational Research, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi
2. Vohra, N. D., Quantitative Techniques In Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
1. Taha, Hamady A. , Operational Research An Introduction, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
2. Mathur, Khandelwal, Gupta, Gupta, Operational Research, Ajmera Book Company, Jaipur
3. Nag, N. K., Quantitative Methods, Kalyani Publishers, Jaipur
4. Agarwal, N.P., and Agarwal, Sonia, Quantitative Techniques For Management, Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur
[1] https://finance.iisuniv.ac.in/courses/subjects/operational-research-2
[2] https://finance.iisuniv.ac.in/academic-year/2015-2016