Banking Operations and Practices

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the students to gain a comprehensive understanding of banking processes, including account management, payment systems, loan processing, and regulatory compliance.


Course Outcomes: 






Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning  and Teaching Strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code



Course Title







Banking Operations And Practices




CO19 Contrast between various deposit accounts in banking.

CO20 Evaluate payment and collection principles, regulations, and implications.

CO21 Analyze Negotiable Instruments Act demonstrating advanced problem-solving and legal skills.

CO22 Critically evaluate bank lending principles, in a ssessing NPAs, and priority lending regulations.

CO23 Appraise innovative banking channels, payment mechanisms, and evolving digital systems.

CO24 Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching: Blended Learning, Collaborative approach, Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Group Projects, PowerPoint presentation.


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Seminar presentations, Case Study Analysis, Brainstorming activities


Class tests, CA Test,

Semester end examinations, Quiz,

Evaluation of student Presentations,


Evaluation of Individual and group projects,


Assessment of Project Reports and viva voce.


Unit I: 
Introduction of Banking, accounts, and Banker-Customer Relations

• Introduction of Banking – Defining Banks and Banking, Basic functions of Bankers, Banking System in India, Structure of Banks in India, Types of Banks, Central Bank

• Deposit Accounts – Savings Accounts, Current Accounts, Fixed Deposit Accounts

• Banker-Customer Relations – Know your Customer[KYC] guidelines- Different Deposit Products – services rendered by Banks – Mandate and Power of attorney; Banker’s lien – Right of set-off – garnishee order – Income tax attachment order etc.

Unit II: 
Payment and Collection of Cheques and Opening of Bank Accounts
  • Payment and Collection of Cheque – duties and responsibilities of paying and collecting banker-protection available to paying and collecting banker under NI Act – endorsements – forged instruments – bouncing of cheques and their implications
  • Opening of accounts for various types of customers – minors – joint account holders – HUF – firms – companies – trusts – societies – Govt. and public bodies Importance of Anti Money Laundering (AML)


Unit III: 
Banking Operations
  • The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881(Amendment and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act,2002- Notes, Bills and Cheques-Promissory notes, Bills of exchange and cheques (Demand, drafts, payment orders, etc.)-
  • Responsibility of paying-collecting banker indemnities-guarantees-scope and application-obligation of a banker
  • Endorsement-
  • Crossing of Cheques-
  • Dishonours of Cheques.
Unit IV: 
Lending Operations

• Principles of Bank Lending –Kinds of lending facilities such as Loans, Cash Credit, Overdraft, Bills Discounting, and Letters of Credit –NPA: Meaning, circumstances & impact –regulations of priority lending for commercial banks.

Unit V: 
Innovative Banking

Meaning, Significance and Features, Channels of Banking - ATM, internet, mobile banking, phone banking, Payment mechanism of Banks - cheques, demand drafts, NEFT, RTGS, ECS. Understanding Wallets,UPI- concept, rules and regulations

Essential Readings: 
  1. P.N. Varshney, Banking law and Practice, Sultan chand and Sons, Delhi
  2. B.S. Khubehandani, Practice and Law of Banking, MacMillian India Limited
  3. Jain, Khanna, Tiwari, “ Banking and Public Finance” V.K India Enterprises, New Delhi.
  4. Natarajan S, Parameshwaran R, “ Indian Banking” S.Chand& Company LTD, New Delhi.
  5. ShrivastavaP.K.,Banking Law & Practice, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay

Suggested Readings:

  1. Davar S.R., Banking Law & Practice, Vikas Publishing House, Delhi
  2. Shrivastava R.S., Nigam Divya, Management of Indian Financial Institutions” Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi
  3. TannanM.L.,Banking Law and Practice, Indian Law House, Delhi
  4. Bhole, L. M., Financial Markets and Institutions, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi.


  1. InflibnetShodhganga:
  2. National Digital Library
  3. World EBook Library
  5. FIIB Business Review- http://
  6. Vikalpa : http://
  7. Directory of Open Access Journals





Academic Year: