Business Management

Paper Code: 
COM 402
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

This course will enable the students to

The Objective of this course is to familiarize the students with the functional aspects of Management and help them understand the various aspects in each function

Course Outcomes (COs):



Learning outcome

 (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

COM 402

Business Management

CLO79    Understand basics of management along with its core functions namely planning and decision making.

CLO80    Understand the authority and responsibility together with different organizational structures applied in corporates. 

CLO81    Understand the function of staffing with a brief introduction to the concepts of Human resource planning.

CLO82    Identify and understand the function of directing along with its two broad aspects i.e. motivation and leadership

CLO83    Identify the elements of controlling and understand the tools and techniques applied in organizations. 

Approach in teaching:

Classroom lectures, Group Discussions, assignments, Handouts , PowerPoint presentations,

Learning activities for the students:

Case studies, Role plays, Student presentations.

Class test, Semester end examination, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Management Concepts

Management Concepts, Functional aspects of Management,Fayol’s principle of management, management vs. administration, Planning concepts and process, decision making concept and process

Unit II: 
Organization function

Organization function Concepts, , principles, centralization vs decentralization, 9Organization structures (line, line & staff, functional, project, matrix, committee)

Unit III: 

Staffing function Concept, Recruitment, Sources of recruitment, Selection, process of selection, Job analysis, job specifications, job description, manpower planning concept and process

Unit IV: 

Directing function concept, Motivation concepts, theories (Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor’s X-Y theory, & William Ouchi’s Z theory) Leadership concept, Styles and Theories

Unit V: 

Controlling function Concepts, process, tools and techniques

Essential Readings: 

• Gupta, C. B., Business Organization, S.Chand, NewDelhi
• Weihrich, Heinz and Koontz, Harold, Essentials of Management, McGraw Hill, New York

• Drucker, Peter Ferdinand, Management Challenges for 21st Century, Harper Collins, USA.
• Luthans, Fred, Organization Behaviour, McGraw Hill, New York
• Allen, Louis A., Management and Organization, McGraw Hill, New York
• Ansoff, H., The New Corporate Strategy, Wiley.
• Hampton, David R., Modern Management, McGraw-Hill

Academic Year: