Company Law

Paper Code: 
FSG 313
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is to provide knowledge of the Indian Companies Act, the regulatory framework governing the functioning of companies in India.


Course Outcome(COs):


Learning Outcome

 (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

FSG 313

Company Law

CO93. Understand the fundamental concept  and basic features  of the Company form of Business in India

CO94. Describe the Procedure and know-how’s  of registering a Company in both Public as well as Private format in India

CO95. Learn about the mandatory documents required for a valid company, such as Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, Prospectus etc.

CO96. Understand the Instruments of Finance Raising used by any Company such as Shares & Debentures and the basic provisions relating to them.

 CO97. Learn the modes and procedure of Winding Up of any Company.

Approach in teaching: Class room Lecture (Theory/ Using Powerpoint Presentation) /Discussions using Leading Case laws/


Learning activities for Students: Role Play activities/ Moot Court/Group Discussions/ Class presentation 

Class participation, tutorial assignments and presentations, class tests, C A Test, Semester End Exams.




Company- Definition and essential characteristics. Lifting of corporate veil- under statutory provisions and under judicial interpretations.


Classification of companies • Public company
• Private company(Definition, characteristics, Privileges and concessions to private companies • One-person Company (Definition &Features)• Dormant Company • Small Company • Government companies • Foreign companies • Holding and subsidiary company


Incorporation and formation of a company. Promoters-functions, duties and liabilities, Concepts of shares, Types of shares (Equity shares, Preference shares), debentures, Types of debentures


Memorandum of Association (Definition, Clauses), Articles of Association
, Prospectus: Definition, Contents, Provisions regarding issue of Prospectus, kinds of Prospectus (Abridged Prospectus, Shelf Prospectus, Deemed Prospectus, Information Memorandum, Red-Herring Prospectus), Statement in lieu of prospectus


Membership in a company, difference between a member and shareholder, contributory (Definition), Winding up of Company

Essential Readings: 

• Majumdar, A. K. and Kapoor, G. K., Student’s guide to Company Law, Taxmann Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi
• Singh, Avtar, Indian Company Law, Eastern Book Company


• Nolakha, R.L., Company Law, Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur
• Kuchhal, MC, Company Law and Secretarial Practice, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
• Krishnamurti, D.S.R., Company Law, Taxmann, New Delhi

Academic Year: