Disseration - Thesis Preparation

Paper Code: 
FSG 425
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable students to –

  1. Enable the students to apply research based understanding in the field of finance.
  2. Develop analytical skills among students for better decision making

Course Outcomes (Cos):


Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

FSG 425

Dissertation: Thesis Presentation


The students will be able to –

CO91.      Synthesize relevant literature to the relevant topic in a systematic manner.

CO92.      Develop questionnaires, research instruments and information gathering processes for their research.

CO93.      Choose a data gathering mechanism to collect original data related to research objectives.

CO94.      Analyze data using descriptive and statistical methods

CO95.      Provide conclusions or recommendations for action or future investigation based on the findings.

CO96.      Proficiency in writing and presentation of qualitative and quantitative research report

Approach in teaching:

Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, review of literature, links for reading material


Learning activities for the students:

Self Learning, review of literature, report writing, field activities for data collection, Presentation, Giving tasks, 

Review of Work ,Semester end examinations, , Report writing, Class Presentation


Money in Modern Economy: Evolution of money, concept of near money, Barter system and its difficulties, Functions of money in modern economy.
The circular Flow of Money, Overview of Monetary Standard, principals and methods of Note issue.

Demand For and Supply of Money: Demand for money and Liquidity Preference theory of interest, Concept of supply of money,
Monetary Aggregates-Measure of money supply, factors affecting money supply, Money Multiplier

Monetary Policy: objectives, parameters of monetary policy, Quantitative and qualitative credit control, Monetary policy and economic stabilization, Monetary policy and economic Development, Variation in the rate of interest and control of money supply, Working of Monetary Policy (Transmission Mechanism), Targets and Indicators.

Velocity and Value of Money- Concept, factors
Theories of Money- Quantity Theory of money-Fisher’s, Cambridge Keynesian and Milton Friedman’s modern Theory.

Inflation, Deflation, Stagflation and Devaluation – Meaning, Causes and effect. Role of monetary Policy in regulating inflation.

Essential Readings: 

M.L.Seth, Monetary Economics- Educational Publishers, Agra
T.N.Hajela, Monetary Economics.,Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd, Delhi


M.L.Jhingan, Money, Banking and International Trade,Vrinda Publication, Delhi
S.B.Gupta, Monetary Economics.,S.Chand& Co, New Delhi
MIthani.D.M, Money,Banking,International Trade and Public Finance., Himalayan Publication, New Delhi

Academic Year: