Equity Markets

Paper Code: 
FMG 316
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives: To acquaint students with the functions, operation & the role of  Equity markets in the Indian Financial System.

Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcome

 (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

FMG -316

Equity Markets

CO107 Build relevant theoretical and practical knowledge about the various types of equity markets and different Investment Avenues available in India.

CO108 Know about the concept of Primary market and understand various methods of marketing the securities at national and international levels.

CO109 To gain knowledge about the concept of secondary market and Various requirements related to listing and delisting of securities.

CO110Creating awareness about the working of Depositories and mechanics of security trading in India.

CO111 Gain required knowledge about various participants of security market and their functions.

Approach in teaching:

Lectures, Discussion, demonstration, power point presentations.


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, group projects, Project reports, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Role plays.


Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Markets and Financial Instruments

Types of Markets: Equity, debt, derivatives, commodities, types of investment avenues: Fixed Deposits, Bank Deposits, Provident Fund, Life Insurance, Post Office Savings, Small savings, Gold, Mutual Funds, Equity Share, Debentures/Bonds, Introduction to the Regulators of the stock market, Exchange, Depositories, clearing corporation etc

Unit II: 
Primary Market

Initial Public Offer (IPO), Book Building process, auction based book building, reverse book building, green shoe option, Eligibility to issue securities, Pricing of Issues, Fixed versus Book Building issues, Allotment of Shares, Basis of Allotment, Private Placement, resource mobilization from international markets (ADR,GDR, Euro issues)

Unit III: 
Secondary Market

–Structure & Functioning: The Stock Market in India, Mechanics of Stock Exchanges namely BSE & NSE – stock market Indices, listing of securities in stock exchange, Delisting. OTCEI & its formation ,Trading arrangements, bulk deal, block deal, DMA, negotiated deals, trading and settlement, rolling settlement, internet trading.

Unit IV: 

Functions, NSDL,CDSL, Depository participants, trading and settlement, Rolling Settlement, Do’s and Don’ts for investors.

Unit V: 
Parties to Capital Market

Brokers, Sub-brokers, Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs), Portfolio Managers, Custodians, Share Transfer Agents,Merchant Bankers, Bankers to an Issue, Underwriters, Credit Rating Agencies.

Essential Readings: 

• Bhole L.M., Financial Institutions and Markets structure, growth and Innovation, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
• Pathak Bharti V, , Indian Financial System, Pearson Education, New Delhi
• National Stock Exchange of India Limited, Capital Market Core Module

Academic Year: