Financial Markets

Paper Code: 
FSG 116
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is to provide an in-depth knowledge about operations of financial markets in India and also understand the measures taken by Indian government for investor protection.


Course Outcome(COs):


Learning Outcome

 (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title


FSG 116

Financial Market

CO25. Provide an in-depth knowledge of financial markets in India

CO26. Develop ability to understand comprehend mechanism of Indian money market

CO27. Ability to understand about the Indian capital market with reference to primary market and secondary market.

CO28. Understand insight view about the procedure of stock exchange in India.

CO29. Gain required knowledge and understanding about the investor protection measures.

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Practical cases Demonstration, Power point presentation.    

 Learning activities for the students:                              Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentation, Live practical problems analysis

Written tests, Presentations/ Assignment/Quiz


Unit I: 
Indian Financial System

Indian Financial System: Concept, Functions, Evolution and Role of Financial Markets. Weaknesses of Indian Financial System.

Unit II: 
Indian Money Markets, Treasury Bill Market & Commercial Bill Market

Indian Money Markets: Importance, Features and developments.
Treasury Bill Market- Introduction, characteristics, types of treasury bills.
Commercial Bill Market- Introduction, Bill of Exchange -Classification, Acceptance. Recent reforms in money market.

Unit III: 
Indian Capital Market

Indian Capital Market:
Primary market-functions of new issue market, Players in new issue market. Secondary Market: listing and delisting of securities, procedure of securities, online trading, Difference between new issue market and stock Market

Unit IV: 

SEBI: Objectives, functions, powers.
Guidelines for issue of shares, Recent reforms in SEBI

Unit V: 
Investors’ Protection

Investors’ Protection- Need for investors’ protection, factors affecting investors’ interest, investors’ protection measures

Essential Readings: 

• Bhole. L.M. “Financial Markets and Institutions’ Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi
• Gordan, Natrajan” Financial Markets & Management of Financial Services” Himalayan publication, New delhi
• Vasant Desai, “Indian Financial System”, Himalayan Publication


• Gold Smith.R.W. “Financial Institutions”
• Khan M.Y “Indian Financial Theory and Practice”, Vikas Publishing House

Academic Year: