Financial Markets (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The students will be enabled to understand the Indian financial system comprehensively, including its components, regulatory bodies, banking, non-banking institutions, money markets, debt markets, and capital markets, fostering insights into economic development.

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24CFSG 113


Financial Markets


CO13: Develop an insight about the financial system and its regulatory bodies.

CO14: Compare the functions and  need of the establishment of various banking and non banking financial institutions.

CO15: Assess the characteristics, Instruments and tools of managing liquidity in money  market.

CO16: Examine basic features of a debt securities offered by corporate or governments and to familiarize with the primary and secondary markets for government securities and corporate debt.  

CO17: Analyze structure, functions and regulation of Indian securities market. and also learning about various investment options available

CO18: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Practical cases, Power point presentation.    

 Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments,  Seminar presentation, Live practical problems analysis

CA Test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation.


Unit I: 
Indian Financial System

• Components and Functions, Financial System and Economic Development, Weaknesses of Indian Financial System
• Financial Regulatory Institutions in India - RBI, SEBI, IRDA, PFRDA - Objectives and Functions, Non-Statutory Bodies -AMFI, Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)

Unit II: 
Financial institutions

• Banking Institutions: Functions of banks; Classification of Banks : Commercial banks, Cooperative banks, differentiated banks .
• Non-banking Financial Institutions: Provident Fund, Pension Fund, Insurance Companies, Mutual Funds, Credit Rating Agencies, Merchant Bank, Venture Capital Funds - Objectives and Functions ,Recent Developments of Financial institutions

Unit III: 
Money Market

• Introduction, Basic Characteristics of Money Market Money Market Intermediaries
• Treasury Bills, Types of T- Bills, Commercial papers, Commercial Bills, Certificates of Deposits, Call / Notice Money Market, , Money Market Mutual Funds, Role of RBI in money market.

Unit IV: 
Debt Market

• Introduction, Features of Debt Market
• Money Market v/s Debt Market in India
• Instruments and Players in Debt Market-Government Security
Market,Corporate Bond Market,Public Sector Undertaking Bonds Market,
• Bonds-Types, Features

Unit V: 
Capital Market, Primary Market and Secondary Market

• Classification and Importance of Capital Market
• Primary Market: Functions and methods of public issue -IPO, FPO,OFS, Private Placement, Right issues, Players in new issue markets
• Secondary Market: Meaning and Functions of Stock Exchange, Difference between new issue markets and stock exchange, Relationship between new issue market and stock exchange -
• Recent Developments in Indian Stock Exchanges

Essential Readings: 

• K.Natrajan Gordon, Financial Markets and Services , Himalaya publishing house
• Pathak Bharti V, , Indian Financial System, Pearson Education, New Delhi
• Gupta N., Gupta Shashi K., Aggarwal N, Financial Institutions and Markets, Kalyani publishers


Suggested Readings:

• Agarwal M.R,. Security analysis and portfolio management , Garima Publications
• Bhole L.M., Financial Institutions and Markets structure, growth and Innovation, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
• National Stock Exchange of India Limited, Capital Market Core Module.


Reference Journals:
• Journal of Financial Markets :
• Indian journal of research in Capital markets :

Academic Year: