Fundamentals Of Investment - Practical

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

 This course will enable students to explore various investment avenues, analyze real-life market incidents, engage in stock market simulations, conduct fundamental analysis, and construct diversified investment portfolios for different clients.

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24CFSG 614

Fundamentals Of Investment



CO211: Evaluate various investment avenues and alternative options in financial markets.

CO212: Analyze factors contributing to Indian securities market scams and assess remedial actions.

CO213: Simulate stock market dynamics in a risk-free environment.

CO214: Apply techniques of Fundamental Analysis to securities/Companies/IPOs.

CO215: Research and construct investment portfolios based on risk tolerance, goals, and diversification.

CO216: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Practical cases Power point presentations.    

 Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Seminar presentation, Live practical problems analysis

Class participation, assignments and presentations,

 C A Test, Semester End Exams.



Unit I: 
Investment options
  • Group discussion / Presentations on various investment avenues and on Alternative Investment options available in India and in International financial markets. With special reference to Tax saving options.


Unit II: 
Indian Security market and Regulatory Authority
  • Group discussion / Presentations on real-life scams and frauds that occurred in the Indian securities market, such as the Satyam scam or the Harshad Mehta scam etc.
  • Group discussion / Presentations on the factors that led to these incidents, the impact on investors, and the measures taken to protect investor interests.
  • Group discussion / Presentations on the role of regulatory authorities and the importance of investor protection regulations.


Unit III: 
Stock market simulation game
  • Group discussion / Presentations on stock market simulation game.
  • Group discussion / Presentations on virtual money to invest in stocks of their choice. Simulation, their investments, analyze market trends, and make buy/sell decisions based on their understanding of the fundamentals of investing.


Unit IV: 
Fundamental analysis

l   Group discussion / Presentations on fundamental analysis of a publicly traded company Group discussion / Analysis report on financial statements, such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, to evaluate the company's financial health and performance.

Group discussion / Presentations on financial ratios, industry trends, competitive positioning, and management effectiveness to make an informed investment recommendation.

Unit V: 
Portfolio construction and risk diversification
  • Mock exercise/roll play of Portfolio construction and risk diversification for different types of customers.
  • nvestment Portfolio Creation: project to create an investment portfolio. Research and analyze of different investment options such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.
  • Report on Factors like risk tolerance, investment goals, and diversification to construct a balanced portfolio.
  • Presentation on portfolio and explain the rationale behind  investment choices.


Essential Readings: 

• MJ Mathew, Risk Management and Insurance , RBSA Publications,Jaipur.
• Bhalla V.K ,Investment Management (Security Analysis and Portfolio Management), S.Chand
• M.R. Agarwal, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Garima Publications.
• Dr. R.K. Kothari, Dr. Mukesh Jain , Risk and Insurance Management, RBD publications, Jaipur
• Neelam C.Gulati, Principles of Insurance Management, Excel books


Suggested Readings:
• George E. Rajda ,Principles of risk management and Insurance, Pearson Publication
• P.K. Gupta,Insurance and risk management, Himalaya publishing house
• P. Pandian,Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Vikas Publishing house ltd.

• Investments (SIE), Workbook for NISM
• Online Financial Investment Resources:

Reference Journals:
• Economic and Political Weekly,
• Indian Journal of Finance
• Journal of Emerging Market Finance : http://
• International Journal of Financial Management:

Academic Year: