International Finance

Paper Code: 
FSG 117
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

To acquaint students with the role of international institutions and monetary system.

Unit I: 
International Finance

International Finance: Meaning – Scope of International Finance, Factors contributing to growth in International Finance and Importance

Methods of payment- Payment in advance, open account, Documentary collection, letter of credit ,Credit cards, counter-trade Letter of credit-types, parties and procedure

Unit II: 
International Financial Market

Meaning and Functions of Financial Market. Recent Changes in Global Financial Markets

Elementary Knowledge of International financial instruments– Euro notes, Euro commercial papers, Euro bond, ADR and GDR.

Unit III: 
International Monetary System

Gold Standard, Bretton Woods System, Euro dollar market- origin and growth, Features, The European Community-objectives, organization The European Monetary System-origin and working.

Unit IV: 
The International Monetary Fund(IMF)

The International Monetary Fund(IMF)-origin, objectives, functions, organization and structure, Roles, Achievements, Recent developments, Progress and Criticism.

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)-Uses, Merits and Criticisms of SDRs
Internationl Liquidity-Problems, Measures, IMF and International Liquidity and Role of IMF in Increasing World Liquidity

World Bank-Functions, Organisation, Role, Achivements, Recent Development, Progress and Criticism.

Unit V: 
The World bank Group & The Asian Develoment Bank(ADB)-

The World bank Group-The International Development Association(IDA),The International Finance Corporation (IFC) and The Multinational Investment Guarantee Agency(MIGA)- Objectives, Roles and Functions.

The Asian Develoment Bank(ADB)- Objectives, Organisation and Functions

Essential Readings: 

• Avadhani,V.A,” International Finance, Theory and Practice”, Himalaya Publishing Company, New Delhi.
• S.K. Mathur, “ International Trade and Finance”, Shivam Book House, Jaipur.
• Cherunilam Francis “International Economics”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, new Delhi
• Cherunilam Francis “International Business”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, new Delhi
• Maurice, Levi, “ International Finance”, McGraw Hill, Int. Ed. New York.


• Walter, Ingo: Handbook of International Business, John Wiley and Sons; New York.
• Wood, D. and J Byrne: International Business Finance, Macmillan, New York.
• Sodersten B, “International Economics”, Macmillan, London.
• Dominick, “ International Economics”, Macmillan Publication Company, New York.
• Mithari D. M. Introduction to International Economics (Latest)- Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
• Seth M.L.,” Money, Banking, international Trade and Public finance”, Lakshmi Narain Agarwal Educational Publisher, Arga.

Academic Year: