Paper IV : Financial Management

Paper Code: 
FSG 144
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The students would be able to acquire knowledge related to functions associated with the management of finance.


Financial Management: Meaning, Objectives, Organization of Financial Management
Ratio Analysis: Meaning and Classification of Ratio- Liquidity ratio, Activity ratios, Profitability ratios, Leverage ratios and Investment ratios.

Inventory Management: Meaning, Importance, Techniques of Inventory control.
Operating and Financial Leverages: Meaning and Types of leverages ( Operating & Financial leverage)

Working Capital Management: Concept, types, method of estimating working capital: operating cycle, forecasting net current method.
Break Even Analysis: Meaning and Methods of Break Even Analysis.

Funds Flow analysis-Sources & Uses of funds, Preparation of funds flow statements.

Dividend Policy: Meaning, factors affecting Dividend policy & types of dividend policy.
Capitalization- Under capitalization and Over capitalization

Essential Readings: 

• Agarwal MR- “Financial Management” Garima Publication, Jaipur
• Agarwal & Agarwal "Financial Management" RBD Publication. Jaipur


• Bhalla, V.K., “Financial Management & Policy,” (Anmol Publications, Delhi).. Chandra, P., “Financial Management- theory and practice”, (Tata Mc Graw Hill).
• Rustagi, “Fundamentals of Financial Management”,( Galgotia Publishing House,
• Delhi)
• Khan M.Y- Indian Financial Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill, India
• Maheshwari S.N –Financial Management, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi

Academic Year: