Principles of Marketing

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to appraise and assess the marketing concepts, build appropriate marketing strategies to enhance their market reach.

Course Outcomes: 


Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Principles of Marketing



CO97: Categorize 4 P’s and develop conceptual skill to segment the market of a business firm.


CO98: Design sustainable product strategies for contemporary organizations.   


CO99: Develop Price strategies for the new and existing products keeping in mind the objectives, factors and the methods adopted for the same.


CO100: Plan appropriate distribution strategies for different offerings of the firms.


CO101: Develop the skills to design the promotion-mix strategies for the firm.


CO102: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching: Class room Lecture (Theory/ Using Power Point Presentation)

Learning activities for the students:

Role Play activities/ Group Discussions/ Class presentation 


Class participation, tutorial assignments and presentations, class tests, C A Test, Semester End Exams.



Unit I: 
Introduction to Marketing

• Concept: Definition Nature, Scope and Importance of Marketing
• Marketing Approaches- Production concept, Product concept, Selling concept, Marketing concept, Societal Concept, Holistic marketing concept
• 4 Ps of Marketing Mix, Extension of Marketing mix
• Concept of STP

Unit II: 
Product Decisions

• Concept of Product Life Cycle (PLC),
• PLC Marketing strategies
• Product Classification
• Product Line Decisions
• Product line Strategies
• Packaging & Labeling
• Concept of New Product,
• New Product Development Process.

Unit III: 
Pricing Decisions

• Determinants of Price
• Pricing Objectives
• Factors affecting Pricing Decisions,
• Pricing Methods
• Pricing for New Products: Market Skimming and Market Penetration Pricing

Unit IV: 
Place (Marketing channels)

• Channel functions
• Channel Levels
• Factors affecting choice of Distribution channels
• Intensity of Market coverage: Exclusive Distribution, Selective Distribution, Intensive Distribution.

Unit V: 
Promotion Mix

• Concept of Integrated Marketing Communications
• Promotional Tools – Advertising: Medias & Importance
• Sales Promotion: Tools for Consumers
• Direct Marketing- Meaning, Importance
• Public Relations & Publicity: Meaning, Tools
• Personal Selling: Definition & Process

Essential Readings: 

• Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller, Abraham Koshy, Mithileshwar Jha, Marketing Management, A South Asian Perspective, Pearson Education
• Rajan Saxena, Marketing Management, Tata McGraw Hill
• Dave Chaffey, Fiona Ellis, Chadwick, Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, Pearson
• Bateson, Hoffmam, Services Marketing, Cengage Learning
• Ahuja Vandana, Digital Marketing, Oxford Higher Education


• Govindarajan, Marketing Management: Concepts, Cases, Challenges and Trends, PHI Learning Private Ltd.
• John Mullins, Orville C. Walker, Harper W. Boyd, Marketing Management-A Strategic Decision-Making Approach, Tata McGraw Hill
• Chandra Bose, Modern Marketing: Principles and Practice, PHI Learning Private Ltd.

e- Resources:
• Indian Journal of Marketing,
• Marketing Research,
• Marketing Management,
• Vikalpa (P+O), http://

Academic Year: