Project viva voce

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  1. With organized retail sector gaining grounds, it is faced with the problem of professionally qualified Retail managers. The aim of this paper to expose the students to the corporate environment of at least one renowned organized retail outlet and study the various functional aspect of retailing in action.

  2. To apply the concepts of operation research and techniques for better business decisio


Project file which contains assumption, procedure and solution of practical problems related to
• Linear Programming
• Transportation
• Assignment
• Game Theory
• Queuing Theory


Practical Contents
Visit to a retail store and study of the following functional aspect of the retail store visited.
• Identification of the type of retail format
• Identification of the target market segment the store is catering to.
• Critical analysis of the retail outlet location
• Study of layout plan of the store
• Study of price tagging and billing aspect
• Study of security measures being adopted by the store.
• Study of the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system of the store.
• Critical analysis of the Visual merchandizing of the store.
• Study of various sales promotion and marketing strategies of the store.
• Study of Organizational structure of the store.

The findings of the above study are to be presented in the form of a Project report.

Academic Year: