Project Work

Paper Code: 
COM 505
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

1.To apply the concepts of audting and learn the internal control check and valuation of assets and liabilities
2.To help the student learn the application of Human Resource Management concepts in organizational procedures.

3.To acquaint the students with practical aspects of Macro economic Theory.
4.To acquaint the students with practical aspects of Banking services.


Project file which contains assumption, procedure and solution of practical problems related to
Internal Control and Internal Check System
Verification and Valuation of Assets and Liabilities


Practical Contents:
To visit a corporate organization and study its:
• Recruitment and selection procedure and policies
• Employee training methods and techniques adopted.
• Employee incentive schemes
• Employee fringe benefits schemes
• Employee performance appraisal system and methodology
• Transfer and Promotion policies and criterions


Project file to be prepared by the student on the following topics: -
• Customer Relationship in Banks: -
Select any Bank and analysis its relationship management of banks with customer on the basis of her research.
• Role of bank in priority sector.
• Impact of Technology in Banking.
A Project file to be prepared by the student on the following topics:-

• Relevance of Keynes' Theory of Income, Output and employment in Macro economic functioning.
• Trend of growth in India’s GDP.
• Methods of Measurement of National income

Academic Year: