Techniques of Cost Accounting

Paper Code: 
ABF 301
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

This course will enable the students to-

The objective of this course is to provide comprehensive presentation of the service costing and process costing with decisionmaking analysis

Course Outcomes (COs):



Learning outcome

 (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

ABF 301

Techniques of Cost Accounting


CLO79           To apply service costing in determination of cost in service industries.

CLO80           To reconcile the difference in profit revealed by  cost and financial accounting 

CLO81           To apply process costing for determining the cost of product passing through different processes

CLO82           To understand the concept and application of equivalent production





Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, assignments.

Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions,  Giving tasks,


Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments,  Individual projects


Service Costing (Operating Costing): Meaning of Service Cost, Service costing in case of Transporters, Boiler house, Hospitals, Canteens and Hotels
Reconciliation of Cost & Financial Statements: Causes of differences, Procedure of Reconciliation of the results of Cost and Financial Accounts, Reconciliation Statement and Memorandum Reconciliation Account

Process Costing: Meaning of Process costing, Procedure Treatment of Normal and Abnormal Loss and Abnormal Gains, Accounts for Normal and Abnormal loss and Abnormal Gain, Inter process Profit
Joint and By Product Costing

Equivalent Production, Treatment of W.I.P. on FIFO and Weighted Average Method
Marginal Costing: Meaning and objectives, Break – even Analysis, Cost – Volume – Profit Analysis

Decision Making: Relevant cost analysis, Differential cost analysis, Stock valuation under marginal costing versus absorption costing. Decisions based on Marginal Costing like Make or Buy, Own or Lease, Shut down or Continue

Production Decisions: Dropping or adding a product, Determining the most beneficial product mix, Production method to be adopted, Pricing decisions in special circumstances like sale below cost, export pricing, dumping and inflation

Essential Readings: 

1. Advance Cost Accounting: Oswal, Maheshwari, Modi (Ramesh Book Depot)
2. Cost Accounting: Jawahar Lal (Tata Mcgraw Hill), New Delhi
3. Cost Accounting Principles and Practice: M.N. Arora (Vikas Publication), New Delhi


1. Advance Cost Accounting: Oswal, Maheshwari, Modi (Ramesh Book Depot)
2. Cost Accounting: Jawahar Lal (Tata Mcgraw Hill), New Delhi
3. Cost Accounting Principles and Practice: M.N. Arora (Vikas Publication), New Delhi

Academic Year: