Wealth Management (Theory)

Paper Code: 
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This course will equip students with comprehensive knowledge and skills in wealth management, investment strategies, risk assessment, financial planning, and asset allocation, empowering them for effective decision-making in diverse financial scenarios.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24DFSG 715

Wealth Management


CO265: Construct, analyze, and evaluate the wealth of economy under various economic states.

CO266:  Evaluate various aspects of risk management related with equity and debt investment.

CO267: Evaluate various aspects investment avenues before making an investment such as risk management.

CO268: Evaluate diversified asset allocation strategies based on their risk and return profules.

CO269: Examine the  significance of financial planning as an important aspect of decision making in wealth management.

CO270: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Practical cases, PowerPoint presentation.    

 Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments,  Seminar presentations.

CA test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentations.


Unit I: 
Introduction of Wealth Management

• Concept of wealth management
• Need, features, advantages and limitations of Wealth Management, Scope of Wealth management services, Wealth management Process
• Wealth Management & the Economy: Financial planning to wealth management, Difference between Financial Planning and Wealth management.
• Economic cycles and Indicators- Impact on Investment.
• Wealth management and impact of interest rate, currency exchange rate & the deficit on Investment

Unit II: 
Investment & Risk Management of Equity

• Investment & Risk Management of Equity-Active and Passive Exposure, Difference between Active and Passive exposure, Tracking error
• Sector Exposure and Diversification,
• overview of Fundamental and Technical Analysis ,
• Fundamental Valuation Approaches (Discounted cash flow- FCFF,FCFE; Enterprise value, P?E ratio, P/B ratio; Dividend discounting method)
• Investment and Speculation-Overview, difference, Leveraging.
• Investment & Risk Management Debt – Role of Debt, Features of debt instrument, Reasons for investment in debt security
• Deposits and Debt Securities ,
• Valuation of Debt Securities-YTM, Bond Duration
• Yields and Interest Rate Risk ,
• Interest Rate and Debt Investments,
• Concentration Risk, Passive Investments in Debt.
• Credit Risk - Issuance of G-Secs and Corporate Bonds;
• Investment & Risk Management of Alternate Assets -Gold and Real Estate – Gold –Reasons for gold investment, Gold Route, Real estate investment route. Gold and Real estate indices

Unit III: 
Investment product and Services

• Investment product and Services-Derivative- Types of derivative contracts – Concept and features
• Mutual Fund- Concept, Types of Mutual fund schemes
• Venture Capital / Private Equity Funds – Overview, difference between venture capital and private equity
• Hedge Funds ,
• Structured Products- Overview, characteristics
• Portfolio Management Services (PMS)
• Risk Management through Insurance- Risk Assessment, Need of insurance. Steps in Insurance Planning Life Insurance- Various life insurance plans and their comparison, Health Insurance-concept, Various health insurance policies and their comparison, General Insurance, Safeguards in Insurance

Unit IV: 
Investment Evaluation Framework

• Investment Evaluation Framework- Risk-Return Framework,
• Measuring Risk- estimation of Standard Deviation and Beta-calculation, interpretation
• Risk Adjusted Returns- Sharpe Ratio , Treynor Ratio , Alpha-calculation, interpretation
• Risk Profiling & Asset Allocation- Risk Profiling, Need of Asset Allocation, Factors to be considered in asset allocation, Importance of asset allocation , Strategic Asset Allocation, Tactical Asset Allocation, Fixed Asset Allocation, and Flexible Asset Allocation.
• Allocation to Speculation, Difference between asset allocation and Diversification

Unit V: 
Financial Planning

• Role of Financial Planner, Reasons for increasing need of Financial Planning
• Importance of financial planning,
• Financial Planning Process,
• Contract and Documentation,
• Life Cycle and Wealth cycle,
• Risk Profiling and Asset Allocation,
• Systematic Approach to Investing (SIP, SWP,STP),
• Financial Plan, Financial Blood-Test Report (FBR).
• Financial Planning in India.
• Financial Planning Aspects-Role of Equity in Retirement planning,
• Leveraged investment in IPOs,
• generating regular Income, and Funding Education needs,
• Loan Against Investment Products,
• Liquidity of Investment Portfolio. Maximizing Post tax returns.

Essential Readings: 

• Shashikant Uma, Abraham Sunita ,Wealth Management Basic Level, Centre for Investment Education & Learning Publication
• Prof. George S. Mentz, Wealth Management and Financial Planning, Private Wealth Management Guide
• NCFM Module on Wealth Management
• Pawan V. Jhabak, Wealth Management, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd
• Bharti V Pathak., Indian Financial System, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
• NCFM module on Wealth Management ,NSE India Ltd.


Suggested Readings:
• Dun and Bradstreet ,Wealth Management, McGraw Hill Professionals.
• Introduction to Financial Planning ,Indian Institute of Banking and Finance .
• Risk Analysis,Insurance and Retirement Planning, Indian Institute of Banking and Finance
• Swapna Mirashi, I Can Do Financial Planning, Academic Foundation AND Reserve Bank of India
• Strategic Investment Decision, Laurence Krantz and Ailan Thomason, F.T. Prentice Hall, 2000.
• Investments: An Introduction, Herbert B. Mayo, South – Western College Publishing, 2005.
• Investments and Valuation, Aswath Damodaran, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2001.
• Contemporary Investments, Hearth, Houghton Mifflin, 1977.
• Investments Spread Sheet, Sharpe, Prentice Hall, 2001.
• Essentials of Investments, Bodie, Irwin, 1997.
• Basic Investments, Herbert B. Mayo, South-Western College Publishing, 2005.

• P Chandra, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management , McGraw Hill Education, https://www.expresslibrary.mheducation.com/bookshelf
• Sasidharan ,Security Analysis & Portfolio Mgt., McGraw Hill Education, https://www.expresslibrary.mheducation.com/bookshelf
• National Digital Library
• NPTEL Local Guru content

Reference Journals
• Finance India, https://financeindia.org/
• Journal of Wealth Management & Financial Planning (JWMFP), https://www.mfpc.org.my/learning-centre/journal-wealth-management-financ...
• Journal of Wealth Management, https://jwm.pm-research.com/J
• Journal of Wealth Management, https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=11700154394&tip=sid

Academic Year: