Insurance (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable students to understand the fundamentals of insurance, risk management principles, insurance contracts, types of insurance, reinsurance, premium calculation methods, and claim settlement processes.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24DFSG 611A




CO217: Analyze the characteristics & functions of Insurance in context to   various Life Insurance plans. 

CO218: Explore various Perils, Hazards and also classify the insurable risk and appraise the different methods of handling risk to evaluate the risk management process.

CO219: Evaluate the principle and essential legal requirements of insurance contract

CO220: Differentiate different types of Insurance and appraise the process of issuing life insurance policy.

CO221: Differentiate types of premium and critically evaluate the methods of Calculation of premium and claim settlement Procedures.

CO222: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Practical cases, Powerpoint presentation.    

 Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments,  Seminar presentations.

CA test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation..


Unit I: 

• Meaning, Definition, Characteristics, Functions, Limitations. Insurance as Investment Opportunity. Types of Life Insurance plans- Annuity, endowment, Term plans, Unit Link Plans, whole life policy. Difference between Insurance & Gambling. Types of Insurance- Life, General, Marine, fire Insurance.

Unit II: 

• Meaning, definition, characteristics of Insurable risk Classification of Risk, Methods of handling Risk, Perils, Hazards, Types of Hazards.
• Risk Management: Meaning, need, Process

Unit III: 
Principles of Insurance

• Principle of Utmost Good Faith, Principle of Insurable interest, Indemnity, Subrogation, Causa Proxima.
• Essentials of Insurance Contracts: Legal requirements of Insurance contract. Distinction between General Law of Contract and Insurance Contract; Life and indemnity Contract.

Unit IV: 
Types of Insurance

• Overview of Over insurance, Under insurance and Double Insurance
• Reinsurance: Meaning, characteristics, Methods-Facultative, Treaty, Pooling methods, Advantage of Reinsurance, Double Vs. Reinsurance
• Process of issuing Life Insurance policy

Unit V: 
Calculation of Premium

• Net premium, Gross premium, Methods of computation of Premium-Assessment plan, Natural premium Plan, Level Premium Plan, Mortality table-meaning, characteristics, need
• Settlement of claim: Death claims, Maturity/Survival claims

Essential Readings: 

• MJ Mathew, ”Risk Management and Insurance”,RBSAPublications,Jaipur.
• “Risk and Insurance management” Dr. R.K. Kothari, Dr. MukeshJain,RBD publications, Jaipur
• Neelam C.Gulati,”Principles of Insurance Management", Excel books


Suggested Readings:
• Insurance management(text and cases), Swarup C. Sahoo, Suresh C.Das, Himalaya publishing house
• Principles of risk management and Insurance, George E. Rajda, Pearson Publication
• Insurance and risk management, P.K. Gupta, Himalaya publishing house
• Life Insurance module,Vol.I,II

• Investments (SIE), Workbook for NISM
• Mutual fund products and services, Indian institute of banking and finance

Reference Journals:
• Economic and Political Weekly,
• Indian Journal of Finance
• The Economic Challenge

Academic Year: