To enable the students to identify problems for managerial decision making, Design a
research, collect data, analyze and write a report.
Introduction to Statistics: Introduction to Statistics, Importance of
Statistics in modern business environment. Definition of Statistics, Scope
and Applications of Statistics Characteristics of Statistics, Functions of
Statistics, Limitations of Statistics, Statistical Softwares
Statistical Survey: Introduction, Definition of Statistical Survey, Stages of
Statistical Survey - Planning of a Statistical Survey- Execution of Statistical
Survey, Basic Terms used in Statistical Survey - Units or Individuals -
Population or Universe –Sample -Quantitative -Characteristic - Qualitative
Characteristic – Variable, Collection of Data- Primary Data - Secondary
Data - Pilot survey , Scrutiny and Editing of Data
Classification, Tabulation and Presentation of Data: Introduction ,
Functions of Classification - Requisites of a good classification - Types of
classification - Methods of classification ,Tabulation - Basic difference
between classification and tabulation -Parts of a table -Types of table ,
Frequency and Frequency Distribution - Derived frequency distributions -
Bivariate and multivariate frequency distribution - Construction of
frequency distribution , Presentation of Data – Diagrams, Graphical
Presentation - Histogram - Frequency polygon - Frequency curve -
Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion: Introduction, Objectives
of statistical average, Requisites of a Good Average, Statistical Averages -
Arithmetic mean - Properties of arithmetic mean - Merits and demerits of
arithmetic mean ,Median - Merits and demerits of median , Mode - Merits
and demerits of mode , Geometric Mean , Harmonic Mean , Appropriate
Situations for the Use of Various Averages , Positional Averages
Measures of Dispersion: Range, Co-efficient of Range, Quartiles, Inter-
Quartile Range and Quartile Deviation, Co-efficient of Quartile Deviation,
Mean Deviation, Co-efficient of Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation, Co-
efficient of Variation, The Lorentz Curve, Skewness and Kurtosis; Measures
of Skewness: Absolute and Relative; Co-efficient of Skewness: Karl
Pearson’s, Bowley’s and Kelly’s; Moments and Moments based measures
of Skewness (β1)and Kurtosis (β2)
Roger E. Kirk Statistics: An Introduction, Fifth Edition, Thomson-Wadsworth Publication.
Mc Clave, Benson and Sincich, Statistics for Business and Economics, Eleventh Edition,
Prentice Hall Publication.
.Jack Levin, James Alan Fox, Elementary Statistics in Social Research, Pearson
Education.4.S.P. Gupta , Statistical Methods, S. Chand Publication