Equity Markets (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The students will be enabled to understand various financial markets, investment avenues, primary and secondary market operations, depositories, and the roles of different entities in the capital market.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24CFSG 413


Equity Markets


CO121: Appraise theoretical and practical knowledge about the various types of equity markets and compare various Investment Avenues available in India.

CO122: Analyse the Primary market and select the appropriate methods of marketing the securities at national and international levels.

CO123: Evaluate the concept of secondary market and to assemble various requirements related to listing and delisting of securities.

CO124: Analyse and support the working of Depositories and mechanics of security trading in India.

CO125: Differentiate between various participants of security market and their functions.

CO126: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, PowerPoint presentations.    

 Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, and presentation.

CA tests, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentations.


Unit I: 
Markets and Financial Instruments

• Types of Markets: Equity, debt, derivatives, commodities.
• Overview of Derivative Market: Introduction, features, Types of Instruments in Derivatives market- Forward, Future, Option, Swaps, Commodities- Features.
• Types of investment avenues: Fixed Deposits, Bank Deposits, Provident Funds, Life Insurance, Post Office Savings, Small savings, Gold, Mutual Funds, Equity Shares, Debentures/Bonds, crypto.

Unit II: 
Primary Market

• Initial Public Offer (IPO),
• Methods of marketing an issue.
• Book Building process, auction based book building, reverse book building,
• green shoe option,
• Eligibility to issue securities,
• Pricing of Issues: Fixed versus Book Building issues,
• Allotment of Shares, Basis of Allotment, resource mobilization from international markets (ADR, GDR, Euro issues)

Unit III: 
Secondary Market

• Structure & Functioning: The Stock Market in India,
• Mechanics of Stock Exchanges namely BSE & NSE ,OTCEI– stock market Indices,
• Listing of securities in stock exchange, Delisting.
• Trading arrangements, bulk deal, block deal, DMA, negotiated deals, trading and settlement, rolling settlement, internet trading

Unit IV: 

• Functions, NSDL,CDSL,
• Depository participants,
• Trading and settlement, Rolling Settlement,
• Do’s and Don’ts for investors.

Unit V: 
Parties to Capital Market

• Brokers, Sub-brokers,
• Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs),
• Portfolio Managers,
• Custodians,
• Share Transfer Agents,
• Merchant Bankers,
• Bankers to an Issue,
• Underwriters, Credit Rating Agencies.

Essential Readings: 

• K.Natrajan Gordon, Financial Markets and Services , Himalaya publishing house
• Pathak Bharti V, , Indian Financial System, Pearson Education, New Delhi
• Gupta N., Gupta Shashi K., Aggarwal N, Financial Institutions and Markets, Kalyani publishers


Suggested Readings:
• Agarwal M.R,. Security analysis and portfolio management , Garima Publications
• Bhole L.M., Financial Institutions and Markets structure, growth and Innovation, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
• National Stock Exchange of India Limited, Capital Market Core Module.


Reference Journals:
• Journal of Financial Markets :
• Indian Journal of Research in Capital Markets: http://indianjournalofcapitalmarkets.com/

Academic Year: