To provide knowledge of rural economy and problems related to it. It covers various aspects of rural development and co-operation
An Introduction, Statistical and Operations Research techniques, Scope and application of Quantitative Techniques, Scientific approach in decision-making, Limitation of these techniques.
Mathematical formulation of problem.Graphical and Simplex Solutions of LPP. Primal and its Dual.
Game Theory – Meaning, Two Person zero sum game , Mix strategies.
Queuing Theory – meaning , concepts and problems related with Queuing Theory.
Transportation: Solving the problem. Testing the optimality MODI method.Cases of unbalanced problems, Degeneracy, Maximization objective, Multiple solutions and Prohibited Routes
Assignment: Solving the problem. Cases of unbalanced problems, multiple optimum solutions, maximization objective and unacceptable assignments
Decision Theory: Maximin, Minimax, and Maximax expected pay off andregret, Expected value of Perfect Information, Decision Tree Analysis.