Rural Economics (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to understand and analyze the rural economy, including agriculture, rural development, financial institutions, and government schemes, fostering insights for rural development initiatives and policymaking.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24DFSG 511A


Rural Economics



CO169: Examine the present state of Rural Economy and different aspects of rural development.

CO170: Evaluate new agriculture strategy and various initiatives taken by government for agricultural development

CO171: Assess the problems of poverty and unemployment and also sources of rural credit.

CO172: Examine the  rural economy  through an insight into the Panchayati Raj System and SHGs.

CO173: Evaluate the progress of rural development programmes

CO174: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Practical cases , Power point presentation.    

 Learning activities for the students:                              Self learning assignments,  Seminar presentation, Live practical problems analysis

CA test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation.


Unit I: 
Rural Economy

• Concepts and features of Rural Economy.
• Rural Development -Economic, Social & Political Development.
• Role of agriculture in the rural economy

Unit II: 
Indian Agriculture and Marketing

 Indian agriculture - features, significance, problems,
 Agriculture Price Policy
 New Agriculture strategy (green revolution) major activities, achievements, failures
 New thrust areas in agriculture
 Agricultural Marketing: Importance, Merits, demerits and Measures to improve it.

Unit III: 
Problems of Rural Economy

 Problems of rural economy- Rural Poverty and Unemployment: Causes, Extent, Rural Indebtedness
 Causes & Extent of Rural Indebtedness and its relief measures.
 Rural Finance: Need and Sources of rural Finance,
 Problems of rural credit and suggestions to remove limitations of rural credit.

Unit IV: 
Rural Financial Institutions, Panchayats and Corporation

 Rural financial Institutions - NABARD- Structure, Role and Functions
 Cooperative Banking: Concept , Important and weakness of cooperative banking
• Panchayats for rural development: Concept, Objective, structure, Advantages and Disadvantages of Panchayati Raj and Problems
• Cooperation: Concept and importance of cooperation, Self Help Group (SHG) and microfinance- objectives, benefits and limitations

Unit V: 
Special Programme for Rural Development

• A Brief study of Rural Development Schemes:
• MGNREGS, PMGSY, PMJDY,Deendayal Antayodaya Yojana (DAY-NRLM).
• PMFBY, Deendayal Upadhyay- Gramin Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY),
• Shyama Prasad Mukherjee National RuRBAN Mission (SPMRM),
• National Career Service (NCS)
 Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- Gramin ,
 National Social Assistance Programme,
 Provision of Rural Amenities in Rural Area (PURA)
 Basic features of Rural Economy of Rajasthan.

Essential Readings: 
  • Sundaram &Dutt, “Indian Economy”, S Chand &Sons ,New Delhi
  • Gupta & swami, “Rural Development & Co-operation”, RBD publications, Jaipur-New Delhi.
  • Tyagi. B.P. “Agricultural Economics and Rural Development”,Jai Prakashan Nath & Co Garh-Nauchandi Chauraha Grarh Road, Meerut,1 January 2011.
  • Mamoria C.B. & Tripathi.B.B.”Agricultural Problems of India”,Century Printers, S.N. Marg Allahabad.



Suggested Readings:


  • L. N Nathuramka, “Rajasthan& Indian Economy”, RBD.
  • Desai Vasant, “Rural Development in India” Himalaya Publication, New Delhi
  • Agarwal. A.N, “Indian Economy”, New India International Ltd , Chennai





Reference Journal:



Academic Year: