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This course will enable the students to Understand the fundamental concepts and principles of statistical analysis and their application in business decision-making

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title




CO67: Examine the methods of collecting data, classify and present in the form of tables

CO68: Select and apply appropriate measures of central tendency

CO69: Interpret the data sets to find dispersion, and skewness amongst them

CO70: Analyse the data sets to identify the level of association and cause and effect relationship in them

CO71: Construct the index numbers

CO72: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in

teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussions, Tutorials, Problem solving sessions, Presentations



Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Case Study Analysis, Presentations, Group Discussions

Continuous Assessment Test, Semester End Examinations, Quiz, Solving Numerical Problems, Assignments, Class Presentations, Individual and group projects.


Unit I: 
Introduction and Classification and Tabulation of Data

• Definition of Statistics,
• Importance and Scope of Statistics,
• Types and Source of Data,
• Collection of Data, Limitation of Statistics
• Classification and Tabulation of Data
• Meaning and Characteristics,
• Frequency Distribution,
• Simple and Manifold Tabulation

Unit II: 
Measure of Central Tendency

• Arithmetic Mean (Simple and Weighted),
• Median (Including Quartiles, Quintiles, Octiles, Deciles, Percentile)
• Mode,
• Geometric and Harmonic Mean Simple and Weighted

Unit III: 
Measures of Variation

• Measures of Dispersion:
• Absolute and Relative Measures: Range,
• Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation,
• Standard Deviation and their Co efficient.
• Skewness: Absolute Measures of Skewness,
• Relative Measures of Skewness –Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Skewness, Bowley’s Coefficient of Skewness

Unit IV: 
Simple Correlation & Regression Analysis

• Correlation
• Meaning and Significance,
• Scatter Diagram Correlation Graph,
• Karl Pearson’s Coefficient between two variables.
• Coefficient of Correlation by Spearman’s Rank Difference Method
• Concurrent Deviation Method
• Regression Analysis Meaning and Significance,
• Difference between Correlation and Regression,
• Regression lines, Regression equations,
• coefficient of Regression, Standard error of the estimate

Unit V: 
Index Numbers

• Introduction, Uses of Index Numbers,
• Classification of Index Numbers,
• Problems in Construction of Index Numbers,
• Methods of Constructing Index Numbers,
• Test of Adequacy of Index Number Formulae,
• Base Shifting, Splicing and Deflating of Index Numbers

Essential Readings: 

• Gupta, Goyal, Sharma ,Biyani, Jain,& Gupta Business StatisticsAjmera Book Co.
• Garg, Sharma, Jain, & Pareek Business Statistics Shivam Book House Pvt Ltd
• Sancheti & Kapoor Statistics Theory and Practice Sultan Chand and Sons New Delhi
• Goon, Gupta & Dasgupta Fundamentals of Statistics The world press private ltd


Suggested Readings:
• Gupta, S.P, & Gupta, A. ,Statistical Methods Sultan Chand& Sons, New Delhi
• Yadav, Jain, &Mittal ,Business Statistics Malik and Company Jaipur
• Gupta , S. C Fundamentals of Statistics Himalya Publishing House
• Norean R.S., Richard D. DEVeaux, Paul & F. Velleman ,Business Statistics Pearson Education
• Levin, Richard, David S. Rubin, Rastogi, and Siddqui Statistics for Management, Pearson Education
e-Resources: 106.pdf statistics for contemporary decision making by ken black_0.pdf
Reference Journals:
● IUP Journal of Accounting Research
● The Indian Journal of Commerce
● Metamorphosis A Journal of Management Research
● Nirma University Journal of Business & Management Studies
Note The candidate shall be permitted to use battery operated pocket calculator that should not have more than 12 digits, 6 functions and 2 memories and should be noiseless and cordless.

Academic Year: